Recipe and How to Make Soft Steamed Bolu Cake

The steamed milk sponge cake dish is a delicious and delicious dish. For those of you who often hold social gathering events or some events at home. This time the dish can be a suitable dinner menu that you can make at home. Come on, see the recipe for making soft steamed milk sponge cakes below.

Recipe Name 

Recipe and How to Make Soft, Delicious and Blossoming Steamed Bolu Cake 

Cooking Time Preparation: 

25 minutes
Cooking: 15 minutes 
Total: 40 minutes

Number of servings:

12 servings

Materials needed

Baking Ingredients: 
  • 250 gr versatile flour 
  • 25 gr milk powder 
  • 2 eggs 1 teaspoon SP to taste 
  • 225 gr granulated sugar 
  • 250 ml full cream liquid milk 
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence

How to make a soft steamed milk sponge cake

  1. The first way we will prepare in advance the equipment that will be needed to make cake dough such as a mixer, basin, clean cloth, muffin pan, steamer and also a cup of cake with a bowl shape with a jigging edge. Now, by preparing this equipment, it will be easier for you to make cake dough more easily and comfortably. Because of this, you don't need to go back and forth to the kitchen because you haven't prepared the equipment you need.
  2. Please prepare the steamer on the stove, pour enough water into the pan. Turn on the stove and use medium heat. Don't forget to put the saucepan into it. For the lid, you can do this by lining it using a clean cloth that has been prepared. This is important because if it is not coated with a cloth, then the steam coming out of the pan will drip down and make the dough that you steam will become wet.
  3. Next prepare a baking sheet to print the dough. The trick, prepare a baking sheet and place a paper cake cup on top. Try to stick the paper cup to the baking sheet by bending it inside and doing the same for all remaining trays.
  4. Meanwhile, for flour please mix this ingredient together with milk powder and stir it evenly. Then sift by using a sieve and place it in the same container and set aside.

How to make steamed milk sponge cake

  1. After your equipment is prepared and the ingredients are sifted evenly, now prepare a basin close to your reach and mix the eggs together with vanilla essence, granulated sugar and SP. Stir using a mixer and use the highest speed. Stir this ingredient until it turns white and stiff for about 10 minutes.
  2. After it's done, put the flour mixture into it and stir it alternately. Just pour the water into it and stir again evenly.
  3. After all ingredients have been mixed evenly, please turn off the mixer and rub the mixture into the pan to then do the same thing to the rest of the mixture until it runs out.
  4. Steam the mixture in steaming for about 15 minutes or until cooked evenly.
Once cooked, remove from heat and serve in a dish. This sponge cake dish will be ready to be eaten and served for families at home.

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